
Are My Symptoms COVID-19, the Flu, a Cold, or Something Else?

Synergy Health 360

With so many people getting diagnosed with COVID-19, even a stuffy nose or a slight cough can raise worries.

Specialists hypothesize that the novel coronavirus can lead to severe symptoms in people with compromised immune systems, but many people experience lighter symptoms, resembling those of the common cold.

Because the symptoms vary from one individual to another, and specialists are still figuring out how the coronavirus presents itself, it can be hard to determine whether you’re experiencing an allergy, or you need to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

To help you, we asked our infectious disease experts at Synergy Health the following questions: What are the symptoms of COVID-19, who are at risk for complications, and what can someone do to get medical advice without putting others in danger?

Key symptoms

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, and loss of appetite. Less common symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

Because many of these symptoms overlap with other conditions or allergies, it’s wise to contact a medical professional if you’re experiencing these symptoms. In mild cases, the CDC says that testing may not be needed as most people can recover at home without medication.

However, because some people may have mitigating factors they aren’t aware of, it’s best to speak with a medical professional about your worries and to form the correct plan of action.

Who’s at risk for developing complications

The elderly are more likely to have a difficult time fighting the virus, as are those with preexisting conditions like diabetes, cancer, and AIDS.

If you’re undergoing chemotherapy or taking immunosuppressant medication, you may also be at a greater risk for complications.

Having an undiagnosed medical condition can also increase your risk, in the United States alone, estimates show that 7.1 million people may be living with diabetes without knowing about it. So, if you exhibit symptoms of diabetes, you may benefit from speaking with a medical professional about your concerns during the pandemic.

Get medical advice without leaving your home

Telehealth medicine is a personalized medical service in which you can schedule same-day appointments via the phone or video calls. With this medical technology, you can discuss your symptoms with a medical professional and get your medications and other diagnostics delivered to your home without risking the safety of others.

If you’re experiencing symptoms and want to find out if COVID-19 may be causing them, contact us to schedule an appointment.

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